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Shatta Wale Denies Being Attacked In Kumasi

Ghana’s dancehall King Charles Nii Armah Mensah with the Showbiz name Shatta Wale has denied being attacked in Kumasi as it was speculated earlier by some news men in Ghana.

In an interview with Sammy Flex on Zylofon FM’s Showbiz Agenda, he said he did not witness any thing bad that happened at Krofrom (Ohio)- Kumasi. He went on to say that it’s not true as people are saying that some of his men were injured out of the attack.

According to him, his fans are the hard type of fans who love him more than his people love him so they always want to go the extra mile to come close to him as hardcore fans and lovers.

“My fans are the hard type of fans who always want to show that they also love me more than those around me. So sometimes they would want to over do things and get excited about the whole situation. Some of them would want to sleep under my car. Some always want to see you pass by with them doing some strange things and all sort of things to show you more love and that`s what happened” Shatta Wale added.

He further noted that he is very secured in Kumasi and that he is heavily protected by both his personal security guard and the police who move with him every where he goes. He intends to return to Accra on Tuesday after a planned media tour since he is done with all the videos he planned to shoot with the Kumerican stars.

Story by: Emmanuel Lapigee Ofori