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“Politicians And Armed Robbers Are The Same” – Kwaw Kese

Mad Time rapper Kwaw Kese is once again on the case of Ghanaian politicians but this time, has called on the youth not to go out there and kill themselves for politicians when their kids are abroad enjoying life.

The rapper in another video shared on his IG page said, politicians and armed robbers are all robbing from the people and it`s about time the youth wise up. He said the only difference is that the former robs with pens and the latter use guns but in the end they are all the same.

Kwaw who in recent times is struggling to keep his music buzz alive and has relocated to United States said in the video: “Politicians and armed robbers they are all the same. The only difference is, the armed robber uses guns and ammunitions. The politician uses pen and paper. But they are all robbing from the people. They are all the same. So don’t go there and kill yourself for the politician when he sends $100,000 to his kids in US to have fun. Masa wise up”.

Story by: Reagan O.O.Osarfo (Nana Reagan)